Paul's Pleasure Pad The Pad
The Pad
Photos - Mugshots of me and others
Play - Paul's Amusements
Restricted Area
More Stuff
More Stuff

Chill out at The Pad...

Your journey into Paul's Pleasure Pad begins here... scroll down...

Make it known you’re here, here!Sign the Guest Book

Send a buddy a Pleasure Card, here!Post Cards

  There are five main parts to this plot of cyberspace and they can be accessed at all times from the menu up there at the top. Here's what they are:  

The Pad

Right here. That's where you are. And come back again after you've visited the rest of the site and fill in the Guest Book afore ye go!

Take me to the photos!


A collection of stills that I'm certainly not proud of giving an insight into the person that I am.

Take me to the amusements...


Well you didn't come here just for serious stuff, did you? If you need to speak french, play a game or see a psychiatrist - this is your destination...

Take me to the restricted area...


Acknowledging the fact that some of you out there may be of a nervous disposition, or just too young, I have a restricted area...

I want more!!!!!!!


And, yes, there's always more... Click for all those things that just wouldn't fit into any of the above categories!

Gimme Feedback!
Feedback! I need it. How did you enjoy your visit? Do you find blue and orange objectionable? Do you want more, more, more? Whatever, even if you just wanna say hello - don't leave without filling in my Guest Book... The Guest Book

If you have something private to say or just want to inform me of something about my site then you can contact me hereContact me


and finally...

Gimme Cash!!! Just click here...


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